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Swings with Kettlebell

through 6 votes
muscles:HamstringsMuscle, GlutesMuscle
auxiliary muscles:Hand FlexorsMuscle, Hand ExtensorsMuscle, Latissimus DorsiMuscle, TrapeziusMuscle, Lower BackMuscle, Teres MusclesMuscle, DeltoidsMuscle, QuadricepsMuscle, CalvesMuscle
required:Dumbbell or Kettlebell or Backpack or Medicin Ball
fitness level:Normal
exercise type:Strength, Plyometrics, Cardio
Variations available (3)
Starting PositionExecution - 1nd Step
Execution - 2rd Step

General And Specifics

  • improve your endurance and flexibility with this full body exercise
  • additionally, you can lose weight
  • if you do not have a kettlebell, you can also use a small filled bag, but do not let it touch the ground while swinging

Starting Position

  • grasp a kettlebell with both hands and tight grip at its horns
  • let it hang down in front of your body, the arms are stretched out
  • stand up straight, the feet shoulder-wide away
  • your knees are slightly bent
  • pull back the shoulders and hold the back straight
  • the body weight is on the heels

Correct Execution

  • bend the knees a bit and move the hip backwards, without the weight touching the floor
  • the weight is between your legs then
  • stretch the legs and bring the hip forward explosively
  • the kettlebell swings up to shoulder-height (in the first reps maybe not this high, yet)
  • the motion comes from the hips - not the shoulders or arms - and gives momentum to the kettlebell
  • as the weight comes back, go over to a slight squat and push the hip back
  • use the momentum of the weight several times for an effective workout
  • make sure your body is in a natural position, do not lean back too much