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Exercise Benefits With Proper Form & Technique

Overhead Squat

through 7 votes
muscles:QuadricepsMuscle, HamstringsMuscle, GlutesMuscle
auxiliary muscles:TricepsMuscle, Serratus AnteriorMuscle, Latissimus DorsiMuscle, TrapeziusMuscle, Lower BackMuscle, Teres MusclesMuscle, DeltoidsMuscle, Rectus AbdominisMuscle, AdductorsMuscle, CalvesMuscle
required:Barbell or EZ Bar, Dumbbells (2) or Broomstick
optional:Squat Rack / Squat Stand
fitness level:Hard
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (31)
Starting PositionExecution
Starting Position (Alternative)Execution

General and Specifics

  • warm-up well before you start
  • prevent injuries by making sure to do controlled moves
  • beginners should start with a broomstick or a barbell without weight
  • nevertheless it is an excellent workout for the legs
  • additionally, it improves your core stability, especially in the lower back area and it demands coordination and balance

Starting Position

  • take a barbell wider than shoulder width
  • bring it above your head or take it from your squat rack with stretched out arms and over your head already
  • guide it behind the head a little bit
  • the arms are stretched out, the palms point forward
  • the arms are tensioned during the whole exercise, try to pull apart the ends of the barbell for a stable position
  • the legs are opened wider than shoulder width, feet are turned out a little
  • hold the back straight and the head up

Correct Execution

  • guide the hip back and bend the knees until the thighs are parallel to the ground
  • make a slight hollow-back
  • concentrate on the weight and make sure that the arms are always vertical to the ground, they are not allowed to move forward
  • hold the upper body as upright as possible, your chest points forward, not down
  • if you tilt the upper body forward too much, the arms compensate this, it may cause a high strain for your shoulders
  • the knees should not protrude the toes
  • brace the bottom and bring yourself back into the starting position by putting pressure on your heels
  • bring down the barbell controlled between the sets
  • avoid rotating the shoulders to preserve the joints
  • repeat this strength exercise several times