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Mountain Climber

through 60 votes
muscles:Rectus AbdominisMuscle, QuadricepsMuscle, HamstringsMuscle, GlutesMuscle
auxiliary muscles:TricepsMuscle, Lower BackMuscle, ObliquesMuscle
required:Doable Without Equipment And Weights
fitness level:Normal
exercise type:Strength, Plyometrics, Cardio
Variations available (3)
Starting PositionExecution

General And Specifics

  • the Mountain Climbers are a great full body exercise, which unions cardio and strength
  • furthermore a lot of stabilizing muscles in the upper body are required (deltoids, lats and teres major and teres minor)

Starting Position

  • the is starting position similar to the Push-up
  • knees and hands on the ground
  • shoulders should be exactly above the hands
  • fingers point forwards
  • keep the back straight
  • stretch one leg out backwards

Correct Execution

  • angle the other leg in a jumping movement and pull it to the chest
  • at the same time, stretch out the other leg backwards, both balls of the feet are landing simultaneously on the floor
  • when the feet switched positions, pause shortly and go on to the next switch
  • the hands support the upper body, the upper body is inactive
  • do the exercise as fast as possible for 45-60 seconds

tips for the workout

  1. to ease the cardio exercise, you can place your hands higher or do it more slowly
  2. the Sliding Mountain climbers is easier, too