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Exercise Benefits With Proper Form & Technique

High Pulls

through 11 votes
muscles:TrapeziusMuscle, DeltoidsMuscle
auxiliary muscles:BicepsMuscle, Hand FlexorsMuscle, Lower BackMuscle, QuadricepsMuscle, HamstringsMuscle, AdductorsMuscle, AbductorsMuscle, GlutesMuscle
required:Barbell or EZ Bar or Dumbbells (2)
fitness level:Hard
exercise type:Strength, Plyometrics
Variations available (27)
Starting PositionExecution - 1nd Step
Execution - 2rd Step

General and Specifics

Starting Position

  • grasp two dumbbells with over hand grip (palms point to the body)
  • if you use a barbell or an ez bar, then encompass it a bit wider than shoulder width, also with over hand grip
  • slightly bent your upper body forward, the hip is pushed back
  • the weights are in front of your knees, the arms are straight
  • your feet are shoulder width apart, your knees slightly bent
  • the back remains upright and the chest up

Correct Execution

  • stretch out your legs in an explosive movement and get your feet on the balls, this generates more power
  • bring your hip forward, your body comes into an upright position
  • finish the motion by bending your arms, pull up the weights close to your body, your feet completely touch the ground after a short cushioning
  • the elbows are leading the movement, they are positioned at the ears in the final position
  • afterwards, come back to the starting position and repeat