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Alternating Dumbbell Swings

through 17 votes
muscles:Lower BackMuscle, Rectus AbdominisMuscle, ObliquesMuscle
auxiliary muscles:Hand FlexorsMuscle, Hand ExtensorsMuscle, TrapeziusMuscle, DeltoidsMuscle, QuadricepsMuscle, HamstringsMuscle, GlutesMuscle
required:Dumbbell or Dumbbells (2) or Kettlebell or Kettlebells (2)
fitness level:Normal
exercise type:Strength, Cardio
Variations available (3)
Starting PositionExecution - 1nd Step
Execution - 2rd Step

General And Specifics

  • the opposite swinging motion makes the core work really hard to keep the position stable

Starting Position

  • grasp two dumbbells or kettlebells
  • hold the weights at the sides of your body
  • the palms point to the body
  • the feet are hip width apart, the knees slightly bent
  • to preserve the joints, always keep a little bending in the arms, too

Correct Execution

  • brace the entire body
  • now swing one arm forward and the other one back
  • use the momentum to swing them into the opposite direction, too
  • the motions are flowing
  • move the leading arm not higher than shoulder-height
  • if the weights swing higher, you can absorb some energy by bending your knees a bit
  • hold the upper body upright and avoid turning in
  • do this for a longer period of time

tip for the workout

  1. if you only use one weight, it becomes harder
  2. your core has to work hard, to stabilize the unbalanced weight