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Thruster With Barbell

through 9 votes
muscles:TrapeziusMuscle, DeltoidsMuscle, QuadricepsMuscle, HamstringsMuscle, GlutesMuscle
auxiliary muscles:TricepsMuscle, Hand FlexorsMuscle, Hand ExtensorsMuscle, Pectoralis MajorMuscle, Serratus AnteriorMuscle, Lower BackMuscle, AdductorsMuscle
optional:Squat Rack / Squat Stand
fitness level:Hard
exercise type:Strength, Cardio
Variations available (17)
Starting PositionExecution - 1nd Step
Execution - 2rd Step

General and Specifics

  • this full body exercise for advanced learners connects Front Squat and Shoulder Press With Barbell in one exercise
  • it combines strength, endurance, mobility and coordination
  • many muscles are demanded, you can same time
  • beginners should start with a broomstick to get used to the course of motions or make sure that you can execute the two exercises named above correctly

Starting Position

  • grasp the barbell with shoulder width over hand grip
  • position the feet shoulder width apart, too
  • bring the barbell on your chest with momentum
  • the arms are bent now, the elbows point forward
  • the palms point to the ceiling
  • if you have a squat stand, grasp the weight directly with the described technique

Correct Execution

  • guide the hip back and bend your knees
  • the thighs should be parallel to the floor
  • the knees do not protrude the toes, to preserve the joints
  • push yourself up with strength
  • use the momentum at the end of the squat, to bring up the barbell explosively above your head
  • do not push the arms through completely, to keep too much strain from the elbows
  • the upper body remains as upright as possible during the whole exercise
  • avoid a hollow-back
  • afterwards, bend the arms and bring the barbell back to the front shoulder
  • to make this free weights exercise effective, go on with the next rep right away