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Exercise Benefits With Proper Form & Technique

Shoulder Press With Barbell, Standing / Military Press

through 16 votes
auxiliary muscles:TricepsMuscle, TrapeziusMuscle
required:Barbell or EZ Bar
fitness level:Normal
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (17)
Starting PositionExecution

Starting Position

  • pick up a barbell with both hands with over hand grip a bit wider than shoulder width
  • the back remains straight
  • stand up straight, the feet are hip width apart
  • the legs are bent a bit
  • lay down the barbell onto your upper chest end
  • the palms of your hands point ahead

Correct Execution

  • push the barbell upwards until your arms are almost fully stretched
  • you still look straight ahead
  • the back is always straight, never go into a hollow-back
  • then let the weight sink down to the shoulder-height slowly and repeat the barbell exercise