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User Workout Routine
Full body 4 days/week, 3 muscle groups/session

descriptionMostly upper body and less legs, shoulders and back
last changeTue, 20th of April 2021 at 09:39am

1 ⋅ Monday

Legs and biceps

ExerciseSetsDuration per set
Jumping Jacks130 s
Rest: 30 s
Burpee110 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Side Lunge With Dumbbells note: 10F;10F310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Leg Curl With Dumbbell On Table note: 10;10;10310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Lunge With Dumbbells note: 10/12F/12F310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Front Squat With Barbell note: 10/12F/12310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Biceps-Curl With Dumbbells note: 10/12/14F310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Hammer Curl note: 7/9/9310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Rotating Bicep Curl note: 7F/7F/7310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Cross-Body Hammer Curl note: 7F/7F/7F310 rep.

2 ⋅ Tuesday

Chest, triceps and abs

ExerciseSetsDuration per set
Burpee110 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Decline Push-up note: 12/7/6310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Bench Press With Dumbbells note: 16F/16F/16310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Crush Press / Squeeze Press note: 14/16/16310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Triceps Extension Push-up / Sphinx Push-up note: F F310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Triceps Extension / French Press, Overhand Grip note: 5/7/9F 5/7/9310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Rollout On Knees310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Side Bridge310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Jackknife310 rep.

3 ⋅ Thursday

Back, biceps, abs (45 min)

ExerciseSetsDuration per set
Bent Over Twist With Broomstick130 s
Rest: 30 s
Kayaking130 s
Rest: 30 s
Reverse Snow Angel110 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Deadlift With Barbell note: 10/15/21F 10/15/17310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Pull-up310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Bent Over Row With Barbell, Overhand Grip note: 10/15/21 10/15/17F310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Drag Curl With EZ Bar note: 10/10/10F 10/10F/10F310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Lateral Biceps-Curl note: 7/7/7 7/7/7310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Concentration Curl note: 9F/9F/9 7/7/7310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
In and outs / Knee Tuck310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Plank With Hip Twists310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Russian Twist With Weight note: 7F/7/7 7/7/7310 rep.

4 ⋅ Saturday

Chest, triceps and shoulders

ExerciseSetsDuration per set
Burpee110 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Push-up110 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Fly note: 13/17/17 13/15/17 14/16/18310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Renegade Row note: 2/2/2 2/2/2 4F/4F/4F310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Bent Arm Pullover With Dumbbell note: 10/14/14 10/12/14 11/11/15310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Diamond Push-up note: F F F310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Triceps Kickback On Bench note: 4F/4F/4F 2F/2F/2 2F/2F/2310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Lateral Raise With Barbell note: 2/4/6 2/3/4 2/4/4310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Bent Over Row With Barbell, Overhand Grip note: 10/15/20 10/15/20 10/15/20310 rep.
Rest: 30 s
Thruster With Barbell note: 10/10/10 10F/10F/10F 10F/10F/10F310 rep.
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