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Bent Over Row With Barbell, Overhand Grip

through 16 votes
muscles:Latissimus DorsiMuscle, TrapeziusMuscle, Teres MusclesMuscle, DeltoidsMuscle
auxiliary muscles:BicepsMuscle, Hand FlexorsMuscle
required:Barbell or EZ Bar
fitness level:Hard
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (27)
Starting PositionExecution

General And Specifics

Starting Position

  • stand in front of the barbell you want to use
  • squat, brace your body and take the barbell with shoulder width over hand grip
  • tilt your upper body from the hip up forwards, up to 45 degrees
  • push your bottom back
  • back is still straight
  • feet shoulder width apart
  • the barbell is arranged in the knee area

Correct Execution

  • pull the barbell into the target zone: lower end of sternum till upper abs
  • your back stays straight
  • the shoulder blades move together
  • hold the weight up for a brief moment
  • let it sink to the knees slowly
  • repeat exercise for an effective strength workout