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Exercise Benefits With Proper Form & Technique

T-Bar Row, Single-Arm

through 6 votes
muscles:Latissimus DorsiMuscle
auxiliary muscles:BicepsMuscle, Hand FlexorsMuscle, TrapeziusMuscle, Lower BackMuscle, Teres MusclesMuscle, DeltoidsMuscle
optional:Seat, Towel
fitness level:Normal
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (27)
Starting PositionExecution
Starting Position (Alternative)Execution

General And Specifics

  • to avoid damages, put a towel into the corner you want to work out in

Starting Position

  • put weight plates on one side of a barbell
  • place the empty side of the barbell in the prepared corner
  • stand beside the barbell, the legs are hip width open
  • squat, tilt the upper body forward up to 45 degrees
  • encompass the barbell below the weights (if you use more weight, encompass the barbell above the weight plates) with one hand and stretched out arm
  • alternatively you can grasp the barbell with the sling of a towel
  • at the same time, you support yourself by putting the hand on your knee or the forearm on the thigh
  • alternatively you can adhere to the back rest of a chair
  • leave the squat position until the legs are only slightly bent
  • bottom is pushed out

Correct Execution

  • bend the elbow joint and guide the weight up past the leg
  • pull it to the back as far as possible, avoid gaining momentum
  • the elbows are close to the body, which remains stable
  • hold the weight up in the final position for a short moment
  • bring the barbell into the starting position, the arm is slightly bent
  • repeat this with the other arm, too