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Squat Jacks

through 10 votes
muscles:QuadricepsMuscle, HamstringsMuscle, AdductorsMuscle, AbductorsMuscle, GlutesMuscle
auxiliary muscles:Lower BackMuscle, Rectus AbdominisMuscle
required:Doable Without Equipment And Weights
optional:Weight Cuffs
fitness level:Hard
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (31)
Starting PositionExecution - 1nd Step
Execution - 2rd Step

General And Specifics

  • train your adductors, abductors and the gluteus medius with this intensive exercise

Starting Position

  • the feet are hip width apart
  • bend the knees as in the regular Squat to 90 degrees
  • keep the upper body as upright as possible
  • the arms hang down at the sides and will help you to gain momentum
  • the knees should not protrude the toes

Correct Execution

  • push yourself off the ground, stay in the squat position (do not stretch the legs)
  • open the legs, so that the feet are more than shoulder width apart
  • absorb the energy of the jump, land in a position similar to the Sumo Squat
  • make sure the knees do not protrude the toes and the upper body is upright
  • afterwards, jump back to the hip width squat position
  • do several swaps

tip for the workout

  • if this is too easy to you, use weight cuffs