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Side Plank With Rotation

through 21 votes
muscles:Rectus AbdominisMuscle, ObliquesMuscle
auxiliary muscles:Lower BackMuscle, DeltoidsMuscle, QuadricepsMuscle, GlutesMuscle
required:Doable Without Equipment And Weights
optional:Fitness Mat
fitness level:Hard
exercise type:Strength - isometric
Variations available (5)
Starting PositionExecution

General and Specifics

Starting Position

  • bring your body into the Side Plank
  • lay your body on a fitness mat or the ground with one side
  • your lower arm supports you
  • the elbow is right below the shoulder
  • stretch out the opposite arm vertically up
  • brace the abs and lift your hip, so that your body is in a line

Correct Execution

  • hold the hip up
  • bend the upper arm while you turn in the upper body and guide the hand below your body
  • hold it for a moment
  • afterwards, bring the arm and body back into the starting position
  • do several reps

tip for the workout

  • ease the exercise up by doing it on knees