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Exercise Benefits With Proper Form & Technique

Side Double-Leg Raise, Lying

through 10 votes
muscles:ObliquesMuscle, AdductorsMuscle, AbductorsMuscle
auxiliary muscles:Lower BackMuscle, Rectus AbdominisMuscle, GlutesMuscle
required:Doable Without Equipment And Weights
optional:Fitness Mat, Weight Cuffs
fitness level:Easy
exercise type:Strength - isometric
Variations available (7)
Starting PositionExecution

General And Specifics

Starting Position

  • lay down sideways on the floor or a fitness mat
  • make sure that you are in a stable position by laying the lower arm below your head and placing the top hand in front of your body
  • stretch out the legs
  • the lower leg has contact to the floor, the other one lies on it

Correct Execution

  • brace core and hips
  • push the legs together and lift both of them simultaneously
  • you can also just lift one leg at first and let the other one follow (less training for the adductors)
  • keep the back upright
  • hold the final position for a bit
  • lower the legs again
  • several reps, then switch sides

tip for the workout

  • to impede the exercise, use weight cuffs