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Plank With Alternating Arm And Leg Raise

through 12 votes
muscles:Lower BackMuscle, Rectus AbdominisMuscle, GlutesMuscle
auxiliary muscles:ObliquesMuscle, QuadricepsMuscle, HamstringsMuscle
required:Doable Without Equipment And Weights
optional:Fitness Mat
fitness level:Hard
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (23)
Starting PositionExecution - 1nd Step
Execution - 2rd Step

General And Specifics

  • this fitness exercise requires the lower back, the core as well as balance and coordination

Starting Position

  • go into the plank position by bringing your forearms shoulder width onto the ground or a fitness mat
  • the arms are bent to 90 degrees, so that the elbows are located below your shoulders
  • the legs are stretched out, the feet only touch the ground with tiptoes
  • the legs are opened hip width
  • lift your hip until your body is in a line from head to heel
  • look to the ground and keep your back straightened

Correct Execution

  • keep the body braced
  • now lift one arm and the opposite leg at the same time
  • lift them up until they are parallel to the ground
  • keep the body as stable as possible
  • do not let your hip sink down
  • hold the position for a bit
  • come back to the starting position again and repeat with the other leg and arm

tip for the workout

  • you can ease the fitness exercise if you rest the knees on the ground