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Wrist Curl With Dumbbells, Overhand Grip, Seated

through 13 votes
muscles:Hand ExtensorsMuscle
required:Bench or Seat, Dumbbells (2) or Kettlebells (2)
fitness level:Normal
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (4)
Starting PositionExecution

Starting Position

  • grasp a dumbbell with each hand
  • sit down on a weight bench or a chair, your back is straight
  • slightly tilt your upper body forwards
  • your knees are hip width apart
  • rest your forearms on your thighs, the backs of the hands are turned up
  • the wrists emerge a bit and are moveable
  • let the weight hang down with bent wrists in front of your knees

Correct Execution

  • guide the dumbbells up again by stretching the wrists up as high as you can
  • the forearms stay onto your thighs and do not move, the motion only happens in the wrists
  • hold the position for a moment
  • let the barbell sink down into the starting position again
  • repeat the exercise several times for an effective forearm workout