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Exercise Benefits With Proper Form & Technique

Leg Extension, Standing

through 4 votes
required:Doable Without Equipment And Weights
fitness level:Easy
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (5)
Starting PositionExecution

Starting Position

  • stand up straight on both legs
  • lift one leg and angle it to 90 degrees
  • the thigh is parallel to the ground then
  • hold the head in extension to the spine
  • hold the hands in the hips

Correct Execution

  • stretch out the upper leg as far as possible without moving the thigh
  • try to bring it into the horizontal until you feel a stretch in the back side of your thigh
  • hold the body as stable as possible, only the calf is moving
  • come back into the starting position slowly
  • repeat the thighs exercise several times