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Inverted Table Row With Broomstick, Overhand Grip

through 6 votes
muscles:Latissimus DorsiMuscle, TrapeziusMuscle, Teres MusclesMuscle
auxiliary muscles:BicepsMuscle, Hand FlexorsMuscle
required:Table, Broomstick
optional:Bench, Seat
fitness level:Hard
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (27)
Starting PositionExecution

General And Specifics

Starting Position

  • put a barbell or a broomstick (which can carry your body weight) onto a solid table
  • lay with your back under the table
  • the broomstick is arranged above your shoulders
  • grasp the broomstick with over hand grip (the palms of the hands point to the feet)
  • your arms are stretched out

Correct Execution

  • brace the body and pull yourself up as high as you can
  • the heels stick to the ground
  • hold your back straight and the body in one line
  • do not let the hip sink down to the ground
  • hold the upper position for a short moment, then let yourself sink down
  • repeat this movement several times for an effective back workout

tip for the workout

  • you can make the back exercise more difficult if you put your feet on a stool and / or you can put a weight plate (or something similar) onto your chest