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Straight Arm Plank With Hip Extension

through 10 votes
auxiliary muscles:HamstringsMuscle
required:Doable Without Equipment And Weights
optional:Dumbbell, Fitness Mat, Broomstick
fitness level:Easy
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (3)
Starting PositionExecution
Starting Position (Alternative)Execution

Starting Position

  • go on all fours
  • contract the abs
  • keep the back straight and the head in extension to the spine
  • look to the ground

Correct Execution

  • guide one leg up angled (easier) or almost stretched out
  • if your thigh is placed in the horizontal, you reached the final position
  • hold it for a bit and come back to the starting position
  • avoid a hollow-back during the glute exercise
  • repeat this fitness exercise several times with one leg without touching the ground, do not alternate the legs

tips for the workout

  1. if you put a broomstick on your lower back and balance it during the exercise, you can demand your stability and the transverse abdominal muscle even more
  2. if you have a dumbbell, you can clamp it inside your hollow of the knee to work out with additional weight

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Glute Exercises, Glute Exercises, Strength Exercises