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Exercise Benefits With Proper Form & Technique

Side Plank

through 23 votes
auxiliary muscles:Lower BackMuscle, GlutesMuscle
required:Doable Without Equipment And Weights
optional:Fitness Mat
fitness level:Normal
exercise type:Strength - isometric
Variations available (5)
Starting PositionExecution

Starting Position

  • lay down at one side on the ground or a fitness mat
  • base your upper body on the lower forearm, the forearm is arranged under the shoulder
  • the other hand can be put on the thigh

Correct Execution

  • guide your hip up, so that your thigh lifts off the ground
  • your body describes a line now
  • hold this position for 30 to 60 seconds
  • then you let sink the hip down slowly
  • repeat the exercise with the same or the other side, make sure that the ab training happens equally