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Exercise Benefits With Proper Form & Technique

Leg Raise, Standing

through 5 votes
muscles:Rectus AbdominisMuscle
auxiliary muscles:QuadricepsMuscle, GlutesMuscle
required:Doable Without Equipment And Weights
optional:Dumbbell, Kettlebell, Resistance Band, Weight Cuffs
fitness level:Easy
exercise type:Strength
Variations available (10)
Starting PositionExecution
Starting Position (Alternative)Execution

General And Specifics

  • this fitness exercise is proper especially for runners and joggers

Starting Position

  • stand up straight, legs are hip width open
  • hold the hands in the hip area
  • look straight ahead
  • contract the abs and push out the chest

Correct Execution

  • lift one leg forwards, stretch it out or angle it to 90 degrees without losing the balance
  • try to bring it up as high as you can without gaining momentum as possible
  • hold the position for about 2-5 seconds
  • let the leg sink down, the foot does not touch the ground, then lift it again
  • the upper body remains straightened and does not swing
  • do this also with the other side and with the same amount of repetitions

tips for the workout

  1. for a better stability you can stand up against a wall
  2. to impede the exercise, you can use weight cuffs or put an additional weight on your thigh and work against the resistance