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Isometric Concentration Curl

through 39 votes
muscles:BicepsMuscle, TricepsMuscle
auxiliary muscles:Pectoralis MajorMuscle, DeltoidsMuscle
fitness level:Easy
exercise type:Strength - isometric
Variations available (23)
Starting PositionExecution

General and Specifics

  • biceps (especially the brachialis muscle) and triceps are demanded equally

Starting Position

  • sit down on a chair and spread the legs
  • tilt the upper body forward a bit
  • put one arm to the inner side of your thigh and bend it, the palm points up
  • place the other hand on the wrist

Correct Execution

  • try to bend the arm against the resistance of the upper hand
  • you can give in to the resistance a bit, this will cause a curl movement
  • for an effective isometric training, hold the position without motion for about 20 seconds
  • switch sides and repeat